Consultancy & Workplace

Tuition & Mentoring

Screening & Assessment

Consultancy & Workplace

Visual Stress (Irlen)

Diagnostic Assessments

Workplace Needs Assessments

Workplace Strategies Sessions

SpLD Awareness Training

Consultancy & Support

Workplace support and consultancy.

SpLD South is able to offer a range of services for employers and employees in the workplace. Employees who have Specific Learning Difficulties or Differences (SpLDs), such as dyslexia and dyspraxia, may be protected under The Equality Act 2010. The Act defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on an individual’s ability to carry out normal daily activities.

Advice and support may be required for both employer and employee, to promote successful and inclusive practice, collaboration, and to reach the organisation’s goals and full potential. Services can be requested directly from the employer, employee or via Access to Work.

Identifying your organisation's potential.

SpLD South can support organisations on their journey to becoming a Disability Confident Employer.
We can help you discover:

Pathways to develop awareness & understanding of the Equality Act 2010 and SpLDs

How to identify and support your employees’ needs with reasonable adjustments

Strategies to make your work environment SpLD friendly & inclusive

How to become 'Disability Confident'

The strengths and assets of SpLD profiles

Our workplace services.

SpLD Diagnostic Assessment

An in-depth assessment of the individual’s learning profile. Provides a formal diagnosis, if appropriate, and helps inform the workplace needs assessment.

Please refer to our Screening & Assessment page for more information on the routes available.

Workplace Strategies Sessions

One-to-one sessions assist employees in exploring and developing strategies in the workplace. Activities range from effective email writing to schedule management.

Sessions are individual and adapted to the employee’s needs. The aim is to help break down the barriers that prevent employees from working effectively, independently or to their full potential.

Consultancy & Support

SpLD South can identify an organisation’s needs, advise on current legislation and provide SpLD expertise. This enables the organisation to fulfil its legal obligations and implement reasonable adjustments to support employees effectively.

SpLD South can facilitate consultation meetings between employer and employee to discuss and clarify specific areas and explore creative solutions.

Workplace Needs Assessment

A Workplace Needs Assessment identifies recommendations for appropriate advice,  support and reasonable adjustments for the work environment and job role.

Needs assessments are individualised, with a collaborative focus to improve the organisation’s inclusive practice policies.

SpLD Awareness Training

SpLD South has delivered SpLD awareness training across a range of industries, from the social care to engineering sectors. Our training sessions are tailored to suit a range of needs and levels of knowledge and customised to CPD requirements.

Our training covers raising awareness of SpLDs, identifying potential adjustments, exploring inclusive policies and sharing knowledge and best working practices.

Contact us about consultancy & workplace.

If you have an enquiry about how we can support employers and employees in the workplace, please contact us using the form below. Alternatively, call us on: 07742 829 839 or email: